Nick Evans
Principle investigator, Associate Professor
Research Group:
Bone & Joint
Nick was appointed as a lecturer in Bioengineering at Southampton University in January 2011. Before his appointment, Nick enjoyed a wide research experience, engaging in work touching on many different fields. He completed his PhD at King’s College under the supervision of Prof John Pickup, where he researched novel techniques in fluorescence spectroscopy for tracking metabolism in cells by using their natural fluorescence. After experiencing some of the excitement of stem cell biology during his PhD studies, he won an MRC career development fellowship at Imperial College to research the effects of extracellular matrix on the differentiation of embryonic stem cells. He then took a postdoctoral position at Stanford University to study Wnt signalling and stem cells in wound healing, and was subsequently awarded a SPARK fellowship in translational medicine to develop therapies for stimulating skin regeneration. Nick’s current research focuses on Wnt signaling, extracellular matrix and biomechanics in tissue healing and regeneration.
Nick enjoys hillwalking and likes to go mountain biking in the dark. He also plays piano badly and enjoys a pint or two of real ale. He is a host of TheScienceShed podcast.
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