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Edoardo Scarpa

Post doctoral research associate 


Research Groups:

  • Molecular Bionics Lab

Edoardo obtained his MSc (2012) in medical biotechnologies at the University of Parma (Italy) and then he moved to the University of Southampton for an integrated PhD within the Evans Lab.


During the PhD he investigated the use of polymeric nanoscopic vesicles called “polymersomes” for the delivery of Wnt signalling agonists for bone regeneration. After completing the PhD project he won an EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account with which he Investigated the intracellular fate of payloads following polymersome delivery in collaboration with the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL).


Currently, Edo is a PDRA in the  Molecular Bionics Lab led by Professor Giuseppe Battaglia at the University College London. The title of his project is “Precision delivery of chemotherapeutics across the blood-brain barrier for treatment of brain tumours”. The idea is to use super-selective polymersomes loaded with a combination of chemotherapeutic molecules, for treating paediatric brain tumours. 

About his personal life, Edo loves to watch sport, particularly basketball (he practised it for more than 20 years), traveling and eating. He also states that working in the Evans group was one of the most amazing things ever happened to him .. if you want to believe it. 

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